Monday, October 18, 2010

The Woodcutting Guide

     One of my favorite skills is Woodcutting, and the reason behind that is because it’s fast, easy, fun, and reliable towards making money. It is also used to level up in Fletching and Firemaking skills, but I will talk about it in its own guide.

     To get started with this skill you must first acquire a hatchet or axe, they are the same thing but you must know both terms as they are used by other players all over the world(The Grand Exchange requires you to enter Hatchet though). Although a hatchet can be used for combat, its use is mainly based on chopping or cutting trees.

     With an axe you can harvest lumber which varies from tree to tree, For example: A Normal tree would offer "logs" but a Willow tree would offer "Willow logs". Trees are found everywhere! Although some trees are harder to find such as "Yew trees", and "Magic trees". Once you find the locations of these trees you will notice that they grow back after a certain amount of time after being chopped down, and that they remain stationed in the same spot where it had been chopped down.



      (Lvl 1-15) Normal tree's -First, you need to find a set of Normal trees which you can find anywhere. Left-Click the tree to start chopping it down. Every time you chop a tree down it will reward you with "logs" and experience. The "logs" vary from which tree you cut it from.

    (Lvl 15-30) Oak trees -When you are looking for an Oak tree you want to look at the trunk of the tree, just from looking at the trunk of the tree you can see the color and know right away that it is an Oak tree. The difference between Oak's and a normal tree's is easily seen when you cut it. You will notice that even when you have gotten a Oak log the tree is still up. Most special tree's allow you to swing at them for longer time periods and reward you with more logs.


  (Lvl 30-60) Willow trees -Willow tree's are fast to cut down, they give a lot of experience when cut, and spawn fast! which makes it ideal for increasing your Woodcutting level. I suggest keeping your willows because...

     1). They are hard to sell to anyone. 
     2). they are really good at increasing your Firemaking level.

     Beyond Lvl 60    -Once you reach Lvl 60 Woodcutting you are able to Chop down Yew tree's which are extremely expensive, and sell very quick! You can find Special tree's like Yew's on your map as an icon which looks like a tree. Once you have an idea of their location visit them often to receive "Yew logs".

     There are many more options available to members of Runescape, which include: Maple trees, Magic trees, Teak trees, Mahogany tree's and many more! Although they are important, the trees you need to start your Woodcutting on are Normal, Oak, Willow, and Yew tree's.

     The last thing you need to know are the types of Hatchet's available to you. Which are Bronze, Iron, Steel, Black, Mithril, Adamant, and Rune. All of these Hatchet's can be purchased from the Grand Exchange or from players throughout the world if they have one. The Logs can also be sold or bought from the Grand Exchange or from players.

     I hope this Guide helped you understand what it takes to Chop down a tree and the outcome of Chopping down a tree. Thank you for your time.


  1. Hi Lucas! I am enjoying your blog. Will you ever update it, or will you just abandon it?

    1. Oh man, this breaks my heart! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything, I had lost access to this blog. I haven't considered uploading anything since I regained access since it's been so long, but if I start playing once again I'll start posting.
